Cybersecurity encompasses many different concepts, from information security to operational security to computer systems security. It aims to protect computers , servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks.


Training contents:

  • What is Cyber Security? And what does it target?
  • Cyber War, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage Concepts
  • Social Engineering
  • Personal Data and Characteristics
  • What Are Security Breaches And How Are They Responded?
  • Types of Hackers
  • What are Internal and External Threats?
  • Cyber Attack Analysis
  • Vulnerabilities
  • Types of Malware and Ways to Avoid Malware
  • Infiltration Methods
  • DDoS Attacks
  • Mitigation of Cyber Attack and the Concept of Blended Threat
  • How to Secure Pc Wireless Network And Online Accounts?
  • Strong Authentication Methods
  • Social Media Security
  • Email And Web Browser Security
  • What is Firewall and What Does It Do?
  • Bot Net, Kill Chain And Honeypot Concepts
  • Career in Cyber Security
  • Application
  • Theory Exam

The aim of the training is to provide general training to CIRT personnel required by the regulations prepared by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications and to provide a basis for those who want to take a career in the field of cyber security. It is a 10-day hands-on training.

Training contents:

  • Pentest definition, purpose, considerations
  • External network scans and active information gathering
  • Discovery and vulnerability scanning
  • Vulnerability exploitation
  • Domain and end-user PC penetration testing
  • What to do after exploitation (post-exploitation)
  • Operating system basics
  • Basic Linux commands
  • Network fundamentals
  • Database penetration tests
  • Network components penetration tests and second layer attacks
  • Methods of circumventing security mechanisms
  • Social engineering
  • Web applications penetration testing

Its purpose is to understand FPGA operating logic, FPGA - CPU operating differences and basic logic circuits, with examples to be made using VHDL.

Training contents:

  • What is FPGA?
  • FPGA – CPU differences
  • FPGA design steps
  • Logic circuits
  • Basic combinational logic circuit elements
  • Basic sequential logic circuit elements
  • Finite state machine
  • "Hello World" application on FPGA
  • By following the FPGA design steps, the LED control circuit is designed and

designing a finite state machine using if-else and case structures on FPGA

  • Black lightning app
  • Door lock application
  • Design of finite state machines operating with different clock frequencies on FPGA
  • Counter design using Seven Segment
  • Designing a sample circuit including RAM usage, different clock frequencies and finite state machines on FPGA
  • Designing a simple video card that transfers the image in the RAM to the screen via VGA
  • Simplified CPU design

It is a training that aims to use all kinds of internet open resources more effectively and efficiently in preliminary researches for cyber-attacks.

Training contents:

  • Secure Virtual Patrol and Virtualization Technologies
  • What is Proxy/VPN/Tor? How to use?
  • Deep web/Darknet
  • Social Media Tools and Social Media Reporting
  • Basic Linux and Kali Linux
  • Open-Source Research Techniques
  • Google Search Techniques
  • Social Engineering
  • Website and Email Review
  • Security and Storage of Critical Information
  • Practice and Theory Exam

It is to provide law enforcement personnel with the methods of obtaining information that is deleted or tried to be hidden by criminals, to raise awareness and to train expert personnel.


Training contents:

  • What is Data and Data Recovery?
  • Data Types
  • File Extensions
  • HDD Working Principle
  • Working Principle of SSD
  • Raid Builds
  • Data Recovery Software Working Principle
  • Data Recovery Considerations
  • Software Data Recovery
  • Physical Data Recovery
  • Data Recovery Devices
  • Data Recovery Programs-Linux Based
  • Data Recovery Programs-Windows Based
  • Data Recovery Software
  • Physical Intervention
  • Clean Room
  • Physical Intervention Example Decision and Legal Dimension
  • Detection of Donor Disc
  • Data Recovery Sample Applications
  • Practice and Theory Exam

The aim of the training is to gain entry-level competence and basic knowledge in computer networks, network management, network services, network protocols and other basic networking issues.


Training contents;

  • Network concept
  • Network types
  • Network topology
  • Network connection types
  • Network devices
  • TCP/IP models
  • Cabling
  • LAN setup
  • Basic Wireshark
  • Practice and theory exam

It provides training of expert personnel with knowledge related to digital technology and especially forensic informatics.


Training contents;

  • Introduction to Forensic Informatics
  • Number Systems Binary
  • How is Data Stored on Devices?
  • Examining File Structures (FAT, NTFS, Ext3, HFS)
  • Relevant Laws and Evaluation Process
  • Sample Court Decisions
  • Matters to be Considered in deciding in Terms of Law Enforcement
  • Basic Forensic Software
  • Data Recovery
  • Data Analysis Software
  • The Sleuth Kit
  • DVR Examiner
  • Windows Review
  • Mac Review
  • Linux Review
  • Special Software for Linux
  • File and Disk Encryption
  • Password Cracking Software and Hardware
  • Data Hiding Methods
  • Features of Forensic Data Analysis Report and Preparation of the Report
  • Other Forensic Software
  • Converting Voice Data to Text Data
  • Practice and Theory Exam

Especially in our age, it is the first intervention in technical terms in accordance with the law to digital materials obtained in almost all crime and crime types.


Training contents;

  • Computer Basics - Technical Dimension
  • HDD and Types
  • Working Principle of HDD
  • CMK (law of criminal procedure) 134- Legal Aspect
  • File Extensions
  • What is Forensic Image?
  • Hash Values
  • Write Block
  • Sector Bit Concepts
  • Logical and Physical Disk Concept
  • Image Capture Software
  • Imaging Devices Basic Operation Logic
  • Image Capture Device
  • Imaging Portable Devices
  • What to consider at a scene.
  • Digital Evidence Collection Process
  • Image Acquisition Reporting
  • Server Image Retrieval
  • DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensics Toolkit)
  • Collecting Important Registry Records
  • Getting a RAM Image
  • Practice and Theory Exam

The aim is to analyze and report the data contained in information systems or electronic devices with data recording feature, which will play an important role in illuminating the crime.


Training contents;

  • Hash problems encountered in the technical field in the forensic process
  • Problems experienced in terms of forensic information in the export process
  • Examining e-evidence
  • Evidence of Electronic Data
  • Volatile Data Intervention
  • Obtaining Evidence from Audio and Video Data
  • Video and Picture Intensifying
  • Electronic Evidence in Comparative Law
  • Analysis
  • Reporting
  • Practice and Theory Exam

It is to ensure that mobile devices, which are very important in determining the crime and the criminal directly in all judicial crimes, are examined or protected in accordance with the law.


Training contents:

  • Mobile Device Types
  • Mobile Operating Systems
  • Legal Dimension in Mobile Device Reviews
  • Detection of Android, iOS, Windows Based Devices
  • Data to be Obtained from Mobile Devices
  • Operation Process on Mobile Devices
  • Important Concepts About Mobile Review
  • Internet Evidence Finder Mobile
  • Sim Card And External Memory Card Analysis
  • UFED Cellebrite
  • Review Process on Mobile Devices
  • Mobile Review Software
  • Software Intervention Methods
  • Mobile Physical Response
  • Case Study Report
  • Drone Review
  • Sample Image Acquisition and Review Application
  • Practice and Theory Exam

It is to increase the efficiency of work and transactions by directly intervening in computer malfunctions used in the services of the institution, and to obtain technologically advanced personnel.


Training contents:

  • Desktop Computer Hardware Parts Introduction
  • Desktop Computer Basic Faults
  • Desktop PC Software Issues
  • Setting Up a Desktop Computer and Installing Drivers
  • Replacing the Defective Part
  • Laptop Basic Faults
  • Laptop Repair and Monitor Problems
  • Ports Monitors and Features Printers, Printers and Institutions Image Processing Devices
  • System Software
  • Operating Systems Fundamentals
  • Operating Systems Installation Linux
  • Operating Systems Support Operating Systems Advanced Features
  • Detection and Troubleshooting
  • Basic Operations for Troubleshooting
  • System Boot Issues
  • Boot Error Codes
  • Network Connection and Shares
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Remote connection
  • Troubleshooting Printer Sharing
  • Soldering Methods
  • Application For Each Section
  • Practice and Theory Exam

It is to increase the competence and awareness of security personnel, especially those engaged in confidential work, in the field of information security.


Training contents:

  • Indoor and outdoor equipment units
  • Basic system room components
  • Open-source operating system
  • Password security
  • Social media information security
  • Crypto viruses
  • Kali Linux
  • Maltego
  • Applications
  • Practice and Theory Exam